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From Natural To Spiritual From Natural To Spiritual

   Discussion: From Natural To Spiritual
kevinmanuel · 6 years, 11 months ago
  • Hi,
  • It is neither the possession of the Spirit (we can have the Spirit and have yet to learn to walk in Him, in which takes time to mature – Gal 5:25—NC) nor of actual spiritual tastes that makes (but does lead to because of continual desire – Phil 2:13—NC) a man spiritual. The mark of a spiritual man is that he judges of things according to God and not according to man (1 Cor 2:13, 15). He might appear, from his love of truth or his ability to impart his knowledge of Scriptures, to be very spiritual, yet when he acts or gives counsel about an action, or a course of action, it will be seen from which side it derives, God or man, he formed his opinion. It is the action or the counsel indicating an act which shows on which side the control is. The act necessarily tells the nature of the control.
  • A man is not controlled by the Spirit if he acts out of his nature. It is the act therefore that indicates what is within. As in type with Joshua in Exodus 17, his act—prevailing over Amalek or the reverse – indicated whether Moses’ arms were uplifted or not. There must be power to produce an act. A desire is not power. “The soul of the sluggard desires, and has nothing.” Faith is only shown by works, and the works tell out of the real nature of the faith. That which controls me and orders my course must always be the dominant and greater power, and hence it is in vain to say that one was taken unawares to excuse one’s bad conduct; the conduct is the evidence of the power which is paramount. Hence, though there is spiritual growth in the soul, yet if the flesh be no held in the place of death by the consistent working of the Cross, there will be an acting in it. It is uppermost; it is ever ready, if not mortified, to express itself and to dominate (which is temporal because maturity is eventually wrought in each believer—NC).
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